

Working With the Right Property Manager: A personalized approach with Maddison Silk.

Investing in Real Estate is one of the most significant financial decisions you can make. Whether you’re a novice property owner or experienced investor with multiple properties, finding the right property manager is crucial to the success of your largest investment. A Business Development Manager for example, not only handles the day-to-day operations of your rental property, but also plays a vital role in ensuring that your investment yields maximum returns. With so much at stake, it is essential to make an informed choice when selecting a Property Manager.

This is where Maddison Silk, the Business Development Manager for Galaxy Real Estate, comes in.

Meet me, Maddi: An experienced and dedicated professional with a deep understanding of the Real Estate Industry. As the BDM for Galaxy, her primary role is to connect property owners with the perfect property managers who align with their specific needs and requirements because wouldn’t you agree that it is the worst feeling being paired with someone who just doesn’t get you? Who doesn’t think like you do or act with the same drive and passion for your investment?

I have extensive knowledge in the Real Estate game and a deep history with high priority customer service background ensuring the ability that I can tailor my services and experiences throughout the selection process from signing the Form6 to manage your property, all the way through to the Exit Inspection report at the end of a tenancy – you name it, I’m a part of it working meticulously behind the scenes.

Some FAQ that I have consistently received throughout my time as a Property Manager/ Business Development Manager: Let me answer them for you!

1.     Can you outline your fee structure?
Our fee structure for Property Management includes an ongoing management fee, which covers the day-to-day management tasks such as rent collection, maintenance coordination, and tenant communication. Additionally, there may be other fees incurred for services such as advertising, lease renewals, entry & exit reports, and eviction proceedings. It’s important to us to discuss and clarify these fees upfront to ensure transparency.


2.      How many years of industry experience do you have?
Our property management team has a combined industry experience of 25 years. Our team also demonstrates experience in other areas of expertise throughout previous careers that have been quickly adapted in transferable skills throughout our industry. This experience allows us to navigate various challenges and provide valuable insights to our clients.


3.  How do you screen and select tenants?
We have a thorough tenant screening process in place. This includes conducting background checks, verifying employment and income, checking rental history, and contacting references. Our goal is to find tenants who are responsible, reliable, and will take good care of the property.


4.       What could your agency be doing better?
As a real estate agency, we are constantly striving for improvement. We regularly evaluate our processes and seek feedback from our clients to identify areas where we can enhance our services. We value continuous improvement and are open to suggestions on how we can better serve our clients.


5.       Do you have any recommendations on how I can reduce my risk or increase my return?
We understand that minimizing risk and maximizing return are important considerations for property owners. As part of our property management services, we can provide recommendations on property maintenance, rental pricing, and market trends to help you achieve your goals. We can also discuss strategies such as insurance coverage and lease terms to mitigate risks.


6.       Are you the one who will be managing my property?
As the business development manager, I oversee the property management team, but we have dedicated property managers who will be directly handling the day-to-day management of your property. They work as the main point of contact for your tenants, and I work directly with you the owner to ensure that you are kept informed and have easy access for any questions or queries you may have at the time of need.


7.       Do you have any questions for me?
During the interview process, it is important for us to understand your specific needs and expectations as a property owner. We may have questions regarding your property, desired rental income, any specific requirements or concerns you have, and your long-term goals. This will help us tailor our services to meet your individual needs.


Now, when it comes to finding the right Property Manager, it’s never a one size fits all situation. I’m sure if this was the case, we would have about 30% more employed Property Managers in the region fighting for the same management – which wouldn’t be beneficial for anyone – particularly our valued investors. I know that investors, have unique preferences and requirements, believe me, I do too.  By having direct contact with myself, property owners have free reign to discuss their property investment goals, expectations and requirements without push-back or judgement.


If you’re a first-time investor, this process is particularly important for you. Fortunately, I am here to guide you through all the bumps, barriers and bruises that come with the inevitable stress of leasing one of your biggest investments you’ll make in your life. Don’t stress though, I am here to provide clarity and ensure you are guided to make an informed decision from lease fee structures to tenant screening processing, or property maintenance.  I’ll be able to offer valuable insights, and recommendations when it comes to selecting the best tenant for your property.  


If you have multiple investments, this is basically a rinse and repeat scenario and in most cases you’re Property Manager is on autopilot because they just get you – I get you.


Having direct access to your Business Development Manager set’s Galaxy Real Estate apart from other local agencies in our area. You can rest assured knowing that I will take the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions and keep you informed throughout your property’s tenancy.

Whether you currently have a managing agent or are looking to take the next step in your Real Estate journey, reach out to Maddison Silk and experience a personalized service on offer. Together, we will find the perfect tenant, and set your investment on the path for success.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

